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Mon-Fri: 0900 - 1730, Sat: 1000 - 1500

RYA Competent Crew Course

A 5-day course for the complete beginner. This is where you will find out what sailing and life aboard a sailing yacht is all about. No prior knowledge is required and the aim of the course is to turn you into a valuable and useful crew member.

Suggested pre-course experience: None
Assumed knowledge: None
Minimum duration: 5 days
Course content: Basic seamanship and helmsmanship
Ability after course: By the end of the course you should be able to steer, handle sails, keep a lookout, row a dinghy and assist in all the day to day routines on board.

5 Days Liveaboard Practical Tuition

1 Feb-31 Dec £749/person.

Includes basic breakfast & light lunch.
Price based on 2 people sharing a double cabin. (
£895 single occupancy private cabin / £1450 double occupancy private cabin / £3000 private yacht
Flights and airport transfer not included.

Course runs: 17.00 Sunday - 09.00 Saturday with 6 nights onboard

Flights to Gibraltar: Flights & airport transfers are not included. Scheduled flights to Gibraltar daily from Gatwick and Luton. Please ring for the latest flight availability and prices. Airport transfers in Gibraltar 5 mins, £5/taxi each way.

RYA courses are offered through RYA Recognised Training centre Rock Sailing.

RYA Day Skipper Course

This 5-day course is suitable for most people, the next step up from Competent Crew and your first experience of being the Skipper...the person in charge. You will need to have either completed the Day Skipper shore-based course or have a good knowledge of basic navigation to this level. You will learn to handle the yacht, navigate and make both operational and tactical decisions - all under the watchful eye of your instructor. Mistakes are frequent but an essential part of the learning process. Very much a 'hands-on' course, where everyone gets a go and everyone learns.

Suggested pre-course experience: 5 days, 100 miles, 4 night hours on board a sailing yacht.
Assumed knowledge: Basic navigation and helmsmanship. It is recommended that you attend the Day Skipper theory course before taking this practical course.
Minimum duration: 5 days
Course content: Pilotage, boat handling, seamanship and navigation.
Ability after course: Can skipper a small yacht in familiar waters by day.

5 Days Liveaboard Practical Tuition

1 Feb-31 Dec £749/person.
£895 single occupancy private cabin
£1,450 double occupancy private cabin
£3,000 private yacht

Includes basic breakfast & light lunch.
Price based on 2 people sharing a double cabin.
Flights and airport transfers not included.

Course runs: 17.00 Sunday - 09.00 Saturday with 6 nights onboard

Flights to Gibraltar: Flights & airport transfers not included. Scheduled flights to Gibraltar daily from Gatwick and Luton. Please ring for latest flight availability and prices. Airport transfers in Gibraltar 5 mins, £5/taxi each way.

RYA courses are offered through RYA Recognised Training centre Rock Sailing.

RYA Coastal Skipper Course

A 5-day course for the more advanced sailor who has both completed the shore based Coastal Skipper course and possesses both practical sailing skills to at least Day Skipper level and has some experience.' You will learn to use more advanced navigational techniques and "manage" the yacht on slightly longer passages. It is also possible to be examined at this level.

Suggested pre-course experience: 15 days, 2 days as skipper, 300 miles, 8 night hours
Assumed knowledge: Boat handling to the standard of the Day Skipper practical sail cruising course and navigation to the standard of the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster theory course.
Minimum duration: 5 days
Course content: Passage planning, pilotage by day and night, boat handling, safety and emergency situations
Ability after course: Skipper a yacht on coastal passages by day and night

5 Days Liveaboard Practical Tuition

1 Feb-31 Dec £850/person.
£1,000 single occupancy private cabin
£1,650 double occupancy private cabin

Includes basic breakfast & light lunch.
Price based on 2 people sharing a double cabin.
Flights and airport transfers not included.

Course runs: 17.00 Sunday - 09.00 Saturday with 6 nights onboard

Flights to Gibraltar: Flights & airport transfers not included. Scheduled flights to Gibraltar daily from Gatwick and Luton. Please ring for latest flight availability and prices. Airport transfers in Gibraltar 5 mins, £5/taxi each way.

RYA courses are offered through RYA Recognised Training centre Rock Sailing.

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