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Quick Quote Form

My date is flexible +/- 7 days
Mon-Fri: 0900 - 1730, Sat: 1000 - 1500

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Sailing Itineraries

Suggested 1 week sailing itinerary to Cayo Largo

 DAY 1 : Cayo Largo (75nm) Embark at Cienfuegos marina. Depart yacht berth for night cruise through the Caribbean tropical waters to Cayo Largo.  DAY 2 : Cayo Largo Arrive Cayo Largo Marina before lunch. On the way, stop for snorkelling at the two big coral reefs off Cayo Ingles or Cayo Hijo de los Ballenatos. Anchor off and explore in your dinghy the fine white beaches, snorkelling and diving spots on and near Cayo ...


Suggested 1 week sailing itinerary to Jardines de la Reina

 DAY 1 : Cienfuegos Marina Embark at Cienfuegos marina and take advantage of the local nightlife.  DAY 2 : Guajimico (15nm) Sail to Guajimico, an area known for its excellent snorkeling and diving.  DAY 3 : Cayo Blanco (40nm) Sail south east to Cayo Blanco, a beautiful and uninhabited island.  DAY 4 : Cayo Zaza de Fuera (20nm) On ...