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Quick Quote Form

My date is flexible +/- 7 days
Mon-Fri: 0900 - 1730, Sat: 1000 - 1500

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Sailing Itineraries

Suggested 1 week sailing itinerary in Tahiti

DAY 1 : Taha'a (10nm) Welcome to the base in Marina Uturoa. After the chart briefing and orientation, sail to the east side of Taha'a. Anchor at one of the nicest spots north of the Mahea motu. Nice snorkelling spot near the coral reef or in the Passe Tohaotu - Dinner aboard.  DAY 2 : Bora-Bora (22nm) Sail down the Teavanui Pass, a 4-5 hour passage downwind. Anchor at Motu Topua for swimming and snorkelling, and then take a mooring at ...