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Quick Quote Form

My date is flexible +/- 7 days
Mon-Fri: 0900 - 1730, Sat: 1000 - 1500

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Sailing Itineraries

Suggested 1 week sailing itinerary in the Seychelles for Nov-Apr (Northwest winds)

 DAY 1 : Praslin Embark at Baie Sainte Anne on Praslin. Don't leave the island without a visit to Vallee de Mai, home of the unique Coco de Mer palm.  DAY 2 : La Digue (6nm) Anchor at Petite or Grande Anse and rent a bike to visit this beautiful island with its white tracks winding under tall palm trees, fine white sand beaches and large polished rocks. &...


Suggested 1 week sailing itinerary in the Seychelles for May-Oct (Southeast winds)

 DAY 1 : Curieuse (7nm) Embark at Baie Sainte Anne on Praslin. Short sail to Curieuse in the afternoon. Anchor for the night in Baie Laraie on the east coast. Curieuse, part of the Marine National Park is the home of hundred or so giant turtles, you cannot miss them.  DAY 2 : St Pierre (6nm) Sail to St Pierre islet, a mass of rounded rocks crowned with a clump of tall palms swaying gently ...