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Amalfi Coast Cabin Charter Route

Map courtesy of Wanderlog, a trip planner on iOS and Android

 DAY 1 - Pozzuoli to Corricella, Procida

After the check-in on board at the base in Pozzuoli (18h/6pm), we will sail for just 6nm arriving in Corricella bay in Procida. The bay is famous for its village with tightly packed houses built on top of each other in a myriad of different colors.

The village is known to be a cheerful place, and offers a breathtaking view, especially when the sun is shining on the colored houses. It is a car-free zone and it’s possible to enjoy an aperitif, dinner or walk to the main village using just stairways and snaking passages to Terra Murata or Casale Vascello. Dinner on board and night at the anchor in the bay.

 DAY 2 – Corricella, Procida to Ischia 

After a dip in the sea and a typical traditional breakfast (lingue al limone), we head to Ischia, the largest island in the bay of Naples and a popular coastal destination. We will pass close to Vivara, which is connected to Procida by a bridge. This island is home to a nature reserve with rare plants, rabbits and birds.

After sailing 8nm, we will arrive in Sant’Angelo bay and Maronti beach. The bay is amazing but don’t miss visiting its small, fashionable village or Le Fumarole beach, which can be easily accessed using a small path from the heart of the village.

Around 16h/4pm the catamaran will move in a bay close to Ischia Ponte (4nm from Sant’Angelo). Ischia Ponte is famous for its medieval castle that overlooks the bay below (Castello Aragonese). A boat dinner under the castle and a walk among the shops in Ischia Ponte will be an unforgettable experience.

 DAY 3 – Ischia to Capri

In the morning, we sail the 19nm from Ischia to Capri. Get to know the island’s Faraglioni rocks, visit the Blue Grotto and watch the amazing color of the water as the sunlight hits the caves. Take a tour of the island, passing close the famous Faro and stop to enjoy the ambience at Marina Piccola.

We will land on the most famous concrete pier in the world to visit Capri village and its narrow streets full of shops, La Piazzetta, Via Tragara, Via Camerelle etc. Every day, famous people from all over the world land on this pier with their mega yachts.

 DAY 4 – Capri to Positano

Passing through the Faraglioni Rocks, we will head towards the Amalfi coast where the high mountains with their unique colours overlook the bays of Nerano, Positano and Amalfi. After a sail of 8.5nm, we will stop for a swim in the deep water of Li Galli.

The Li Galli islands are three rocky, remote islands (Gallo Lungo, Castelluccio and Rotonda) located a few miles from the beach of Positano and mirrored in the clear sea facing the pearl of the Amalfi coast. According to legend, the islands were inhabited by mermaids who seduced sailors with their beautiful voices, making them lose control of their ships so they crashed on the rocks. Thankfully there have been no mermaid sightings in recent times!

After a short 4.5nm sail we will stop to see the undisputed beauty of Positano. A beauty which has made Positano and the Amalfi Coast known throughout the world. Positano is a wonderful place to browse the local shops and treat yourself to beautiful linen dresses and shirts, leather sandals, colorful ceramics and of course Limoncello.

  DAY 5 – Positano to Amalfi

After breakfast we will head to Amalfi (6nm from Positano), passing close to Praiano and Cona dei Marini. We’ll make a short stop visiting the amazing Furore Fjord, a deep rift into the rock at the mouth of a steep valley that falls into the sea, which retains a small beach with a tiny and a picturesque fishing village. 

After another short sail we arrive in Amalfi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the four Italian republics. It is full of history with an array of ancient buildings and museums. The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Piazza Duomo, the Basilica del Crocifisso, the ancient arsenal of the Maritime Republic and the paper museum are just some of the wonders of Amalfi.

 DAY 6 – Amalfi to Sorrento

In the morning we suggest taking a bus from Amalfi to Ravello. Perched on a rocky outcrop, at 365 meters high, Ravello is set right in the middle of the Amalfi coast and overlooks the whole Gulf of Salerno. It has the perfect combination of art and music that makes it worthy of its UNESCO cultural acknowledgement and recognition as a city of music. Villa Ruffolo, Villa Cimbrone, Villa Rondinaia and the famous Oscar Niemeyer Auditorium will enchant you.

In the early afternoon, the catamaran will head to Sorrento, leaving the Amalfi coast and entering the Sorrento coast. It’s 18nm from Amalfi to Sorrento, where you can admire the fantastic landscape and swim in beautiful bays (Nerano bay or Marina di Puolo). Night in Sorrento bay with a visit to the village in the evening.

 DAY 7 – Sorrento to Pozzuoli

In the mooring you can have a final swim in Sorrento bay or take a walk through the town. In the early afternoon we head back to Pozzuoli, passing along the Naples coast and admiring the city of Naples from the sea with its Castel dell’Ovo, Posillipo hill and Nisida island. Night in Pozzuoli Marina.

 DAY 8 - Pozzuoli

Disembarkation at 09h/9am.

Please note: the itinerary may change subject due to technical and weather conditions.