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Mon-Fri: 0900 - 1730, Sat: 1000 - 1500


Suggested 1 week sailing itinerary from Punta Ala

Map courtesy of Wanderlog, a trip planner on iOS and Android

 DAY 1 : Marina di Punta Ala

Embark at Punta Ala, an easy transfer from Pisa Airport.

 DAY 2 : Marciana, Elba (30nm)

Anchor at Golfo della Biodola for a swim or some lunch before making your way to the laid-back town of Marciana on Elba. Here you can re-stock your provisions in the supermarket or explore the many delightful shops in the back streets. Alternatively, you could visit the old town up in the hills or make use of the beach just along from the harbour.

 DAY 3 : Capraia (26nm)

An island to the north-west of Elba. Its large marina has good facilities, plenty of small pizzarias and fresh fish restaurants. Spend the day pottering around the bustling port or take a short bus ride to a neighbouring town whilst taking in the beautiful scenery.

 DAY 4 : Macinaggio (20nm)

Sail across to the French island of Corsica. Anchor in the small bay and dinghy ashore to the restaurants and bars. The beach here is ideal for swimming with beautiful clear waters.

 DAY 5 : Golfo Stella (30nm)

The large bay of Golfo Stella has several restaurants where you can relax in the evening.

 DAY 6 : Porto Azurro (14nm)

Porto Azurro offers a choice of anchorages or a small marina. The town has many restaurants, bars and ice-cream parlours. Enjoy exploring the alleys and small streets filled with shops or stop for a cold drink and soak up the atmosphere of this lively town.

 DAY 7 : Punta Ala (20nm)