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Mon-Fri: 0900 - 1730, Sat: 1000 - 1500


Suggested 1 week sailing itinerary to Cayo Largo

Map courtesy of Wanderlog, a trip planner on iOS and Android

 DAY 1 : Cayo Largo (75nm)

Embark at Cienfuegos marina. Depart yacht berth for night cruise through the Caribbean tropical waters to Cayo Largo.

 DAY 2 : Cayo Largo

Arrive Cayo Largo Marina before lunch. On the way, stop for snorkelling at the two big coral reefs off Cayo Ingles or Cayo Hijo de los Ballenatos. Anchor off and explore in your dinghy the fine white beaches, snorkelling and diving spots on and near Cayo Largo. Night in the marina or anchor near Playa Sirena beach.

 DAY 3 : Canal del Rosario (35nm)

Early morning visit to Cayo Iguana (2nm from Cayo Largo). Cruising west with a stopover at the excellent beach of Playa Rosario with nearby coral reef for snorkelling. Anchor near Canal del Rosario, which offers protection against all prevailing winds.

 DAY 4 : Golfo de Batabano (40nm)

Visit Cayo Cantiles reserve with monkeys and other wildlife. Sail north via Canal del Rosario on shallow turquoise waters of Golfo de Batabanó, on the way visit the lobster and fishing centres of Cayo Travesia or Cayo Flamenco. Anchor near Diego Pérez Lighthouse.

 DAY 5 : Guano del Este (35nm)

Sail to Cayos de Dios, Sal or Guano del Este. Snorkel at coral reef with wide variety of fish and shellfish. Anchor for the night near Guano del Este lighthouse. In the northwest of Cayo Guano there is a small beach and coral reef for snorkelling.

 DAY 6 : Guajimico (45nm)

Weighing anchor in early morning hours, sail east to Guajimico, a narrow cove with a small hotel with restaurant and swimming pool.

 DAY 7 : Cienfuegos (15nm)