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Sardinia Cabin Charter Route

Map courtesy of Wanderlog, a trip planner on iOS and Android

 DAY 1 - Olbia – Cala Spalmatore

After boarding your catamaran at the base in Olbia, your Captain will sail the 10 Nautical Miles to Cala Spalmatore on the island of Tavolara where you will pick up a mooring to spend the night. There will be the opportunity for a beautiful evening swim in the bay before dinner. If Cala Spalmatore is crowded then you will moor in La Saline Bay which offers a calm anchorage. Dinner and night onboard.

 DAY 2 – Cala Spalmatore – Porto Rotondo

After breakfast you will have the option for swimming in the bay and relaxing onboard or going ashore to explore the beautiful island of Tavolara - highly recommended! After a short 2-mile navigation you will arrive at the 'swimming pools' of Molara for a dip in stunning turquoise waters. Another short sail will take you to San Teodoro to reach "La Cinta", a long and thin stretch of golden sand between the sea and the lagoon.

In the afternoon, sail to Porto Rotondo (approximately 11 miles) to anchor in the Gulf of Marinella for the night. In the evening a short trip in the dinghy will take you to lively Porto Rotondo with its shops, clubs, bars and restaurants. Dinner and night onboard.

 DAY 3 – Porto Rotondo – La Maddalena

A morning sail of 13 nautical miles brings you to Caprera, an Archipelago of La Maddalena and to the famous Cala Coticcio which has been aptly renamed ‘Tahiti’ due to its emerald waters and white sands - a true paradise! Swim stop and lunch on board. Depending on weather conditions your next stop will be to Cala Napoletana, Passo della Moneta, Spiaggia del Polpo or Cala Garibaldi, all in Caprera. The evening will be spent in Cala Mangiavolpe on the island of La Maddalena. Dinner and night onboard.

 DAY 4 – La Maddalena – Budelli

After breakfast and a city tour at La Maddalena, you will head off around 11am for Cala Corsara or Cala dell'Amore on Spargi Island for lunch. The afternoon takes you to the island of Budelli and "Pink Beach", often named one of the most beautiful beaches in the world due to the colour of its sand. Continuing your sail you will reach Spiaggia del Cavaliere and Porto della Madonna before arriving in Cala Santa Maria for a chance of exploring the island. Dinner and night onboard.

 DAY 5 – Budelli – Bonifacio

Departure at 10am for your sail across the Bonifacio Strait. A lunch stop at Capo Petrusato under the cliffs of Gourvenail de la Corse or Plage de Saint Antoine. In the afternoon you will enter the Port of Bonifacio, a magnificent port built in the late 19th century. While anchored here, you can enjoy a pleasant walk through the heart of the medieval fortification of the citadel of Bonifacio. If you dare you can climb the 187-step staircase that King Alfonso of Aragon carved out of the rock. Dinner and night on board.

 DAY 6 – Bonifacio – Gulf of Pevero

If the Mistral wind is mild you will explore the Lavezzi islands, Ile Cavallo or Isola Piana in the morning. After that it's back across the Bonifacio strait with a stop in Santa Teresa di Gallura for lunch. After lunch you will sail south, towards Capo d’Orso and then anchor in Golfo del Pevero. The nearby Porto Cervo offers many shops, bars and nightlife. Dinner and night onboard.

 DAY 7 – Pevero - Olbia 

The final day's sail heads south with a stop in Liscia di Vacca, Romazzino Beach or the nearby Prince Beach, named after the Arab prince Aga Khan, founder of the Costa Smeralda as we know it today. He fell in love with this beach and we are sure you will too! Swim stop and lunch on board. After a short navigation of about 6/7 nautical miles along the coast, you will reach one of these amazing spots: Cala di Volpe, Liscia Ruja, Petra Bianca or Petra Niedda, with their unique pale rose sand and protected yellow and pink granite rocks. Swim stop in Cala Moresca in Golfo Aranci before continuing the journey for the last 8 miles returning to the base in Olbia. Dinner and night onboard.

 DAY 8 - Olbia

Disembarkation at 9 a.m.

Please note: the itinerary may be changed due to technical and weather conditions.